Friday, 13 September 2013


War has always been devastating. only those who have been affected by it (leave alone the millions who have been buried by the bombs). Those in the white house can never understand the brutality that it can cause. comparatively Europe normally opts for dialogue and peace where as America's first attempt is war and never negotiation. When it comes to Middle East America's first choice is to threaten...
(Middle East is something special to America - When thousands of women and children brutally murdered by the Sri Lankan Government, and it was shown to the world by BBC - the whole world kept silence but when it comes to the Middle East; America says that there is no proof... and yet it wants to threaten...)

America has been selling, offering ammunition to the rebels... they sell to the governments... they want to keep their industry alive...
Let the world close its ammunition industry...
If there is no war, then then there is no need for guns and tanks...
If there are no need for them, then the government cannot profit ...

The best way to keep american economy alive is to create opportunities for war... Because the first country which profits more than anybody else in the world is America - it occupies the first place in the selling of ammunition.

It is time for the citizens of America to raise voice against their own government - If they believe in Democracy!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Yes, We can - Yes, It is Possible - A new Direction

Obama became very famous and became the president of the USA with the slogan Yes We can. The slogan was used differently in different countries. Modi used the same slogan on August 12, in Hyderabad. Obama was seen as a new president who will give a new direction to the policies of the united states. Recently his initiative to take military action against Syria has shown that the US presidents are not different at all - Obama is no different from Bush. The US Presidents' cry have been to establish peace only through war. They claim to be peace makers of the world by initiating more violence and more conflict. 
[taken on 07/09/2013 at 6.45pm]

The contemporary world needs another direction with regard to the issues of conflicts both within countries and between countries. Pope Francis raised his voice very strongly to change the direction. On the 1st Sunday of this month, the Pope expressed his concern for peace in the world, particularly in Syria. The pope said that ‘war begets war and violence begets violence.’ The pope spoke from his heart. I can only admire the sincerity and the openness with which he spoke and invited everyone to fast and pray for peace in the world on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Queen of Peace.

Today millions of people, united with Pope Francis, prayed for peace in the World. The pope said that we are as human beings have to care for others. Our indifference towards others and the acts of violence only indicate that we bring back to life Cain who murdered his own brother.  He also said that war is the language of death and not of can only break the language of death only through forgiveness, dialogue and reconciliation.

The Pope said: "I ask myself: Is it possible to change direction? Can we get out of this spiral of sorrow and death? Can we learn once again to walk and live in the ways of peace? Invoking the help of God, under the maternal gaze of the Salus Populi Romani, Queen of Peace, I say: Yes, it is possible for everyone! From every corner of the world tonight, I would like to hear us cry out: Yes, it is possible for everyone! Or even better, I would like for each one of us, from the least to the greatest, including those called to govern nations, to respond: Yes, we want it!"

The politicians need to change their attitude – military action can only worsen the situation. One cannot bring about unity through guns and tanks.