Saturday, 12 November 2011


  • Our death can surprise us when we will no more be able to be surprised at. The unknowability of death can be both a factor  of our motivation and a cause of distress.
  • The moment we know that we are about to die, it becomes a cause of distress. we are enthralled. But it can also be turn to be a moment in which we can still make it to be surprised, however difficult it may be.
  • when will this awakening be?
  • The death of a near, close member - family or friend can be a shock not a surprise. The disappearance of someone close to our heart can be threatening. It is mostly explicated with a sense of loss and grief. It does not make us think that we will be facing this void one day if not today. But is it a void?
  • The death of one whom we do not know at all - may not create a sense of loss - but a feeling of sorry for those who is dead and who might be affected by the loss. It is forgotten once we are off the scene. How blessed we are with forgetfulness?
  • The death of the one not very close yet someway related to us - the distance and closeness somehow unified - is what creates a sense of sadness if not grief. It does not leave our memory. it can linger in our mind. This can awaken us from the slumber of shabby life.
  • The death of a multitude who are trapped into the disappearance either of natural calamity, or of a war or of an inhuman attack can bring about a sense of sympathy with the lost among the members of a society - It can also create indignation. It creates hatred either towards those who are the cause of it or towards God. This can lead either to more piety or outright rejection of anything that is considered to be benevolent - God or Nature.
  • Death can threaten us or awaken us. we can be enthralled or spellbound ! It can be a moment of sadness or Joy - eternal life! It can bring one closer to God or away from Him....
  • oh oh oh.... What is Death? What is void? What is loss? and What is God?

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