John the Baptist is courageous. He stood for the truth. All
that he did in his life was to be simple and to speak the truth. He was born of older parents – like the sons of Abraham. The long silence of God is
broken with the birth of John the Baptist. His life becomes the inevitable evidence,
at least as narrated in the Bible, for the intervention of YHWH. People might
have been happy that God comes down to us breaking his silence. He with his
prophetic proclamation prepared the people.
He had great ability to gather people around him. This is
astonishing because it is easy for a religious to speak in a church. But to
make people come to him looking for his words is amazing. He meets them outside
the temple. He meets them near the river. In a sense, he is taking God out of
the temple to the streets. God is not to be seen only as residing in the temple
and in the pool within the walls of the temple but outside of the temple too. He
is a great prophet in this sense.
He is a great prophet again because he also indicated that
religion is not simply to attend ceremonies in the temple but practicing a good
life. The good life becomes the basis of one’s relationship with God. Without ever
living well, one’s prayer cannot help. One cannot live anyway one likes and yet
claim to be a faithful just by attending the services at the temple.
He is great also because he knew who he was. In spite of the
people flocking around him, he knew that he is not the one whom they are
looking for. If there are 10 followers behind us, we think that we are the savior
of the world. If John the Baptist had willed, I think he should have
established another religion in which he might have been respected equivalent to
God. But his greatness lies in knowing the truth of who he is and what his
mission is.
He is a great prophet because he gave away his life for
speaking the truth. He stood for what is right. The most difficult part of a
prophet is this. But we do find lots of prophets in our time.
Many may have forgotten him but the characteristics do
remain in many.
I think many today still want to be like John the Baptist.
said that he was born of older parents.
It is said that many these days like to
give birth to babies after the age of 40 and fifty.
May be because they want John
the Baptists?
John the Baptist is not forgotten! …
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