Thursday, 6 December 2012

Religious Harmony !

December 6th is a black day for the Indian Democracy. Whatever be the motive for the demolition, I do not know whether this act can be justified. Those who initiated this brutal act may have their reasons and the other party may still have resentment to counter attack. What happens often is that any event, sometimes even a political blunder or some vested interests of the politicians are often identified with religion and therefore they are seen to be religious conflicts rather than the blunder of some politicians or fundamentalism.   

All of us do know that religions, irrespective of their place of origin, keep Love as their central teaching.
Everyone thinks that his religion is the greatest. His religion is the truest and the purest. I do not think that this is wrong. When one believes he accepts a particular creed because it is meaningful to his life. But communicating one’s religious truth often ends up in violent conflicts. One wants to prove his religion’s love and non-violence by violence. Proving one’s love through violence can never be possible.

Comparative studies have shown that non-violence is the foundational teaching of all religions. Mere writings about the message of love or non-violence cannot reduce the religious conflicts. It can be done only with the believers’ act of trust and love. One has to trust the other and more love the other forgiving the mischievous deeds of the other. Only when we find someone transcending the act of rebellion and revenge, trust can be built.
Unless this love is taken to heart
 and we trust and respect and love one another, 
we will not be able to live as true believers.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Stop Writing!

  • Why do people continuously write? How long shall we write? – How many books – how many schools of thought – what have we achieved, which our forefathers have not. Am I a Pessimist?
  • Today we speak of dignity – A Gain! Did we stop slavery with our books? Should I believe that there is no slavery today? Should I say that today we are wealthy?  Slavery exists in different forms – being wealthy is an illusion: if God is an illusion!
  • Is having money being wealthy or knowing that how money will be helpful [Knowledge is wealth!]. Is it the awareness of Adam Smith or the awareness of the determinism of Spinoza?
  • When will we stop writing, like Aquinas did? My question is not, when are we going to stop writing like Aquinas on every subject and on everything, rather it is, when are we going to stop writing As Aquinas stopped writing or refused to write?                                                                                                           
                                                                                 28-04-2012 at 0.26

Monday, 3 December 2012


We the moderns claim that no two individuals are alike. No two persons' goals are necessarily the same. 'Singularity' is precious. Without getting to the philosophical issues, I would like to raise some questions that can be raised from the experiences of our life world. 

The claim is that we live in a world where one's individuality is abolished with the arrival of machines, particularly computer.  – my handwriting is gone… along with all others’. 
  • People all over the world write the same way. They look beautiful …  to look different everyone chooses different fonts, size etc.[but one chooses only from what is given.] Everything is ‘even’, ‘the same,’ same curves, same size – does this mean beautiful? Uniformity is only one aspect of beauty? Is not it? It is very hard to see where I have fallen, and where I made a mistake. There is nothing in my paper like this. Does it mean that I never make a mistake? Am I perfect? It only seems that nobody in the world makes anymore mistakes. Or Is everything that is uttered considered to be right? Everybody is perfect. Everybody writes the same way. What a world is this?
  • Indians are often seen to be people falling into what is called 'popular culture'. They often show the western world to be a model how everyone thinks and acts on his own. But the pop-culture, running after the celebrities, following and craving for the look of the celebrities is much stronger in the Western countries although variations can be there. while on the one side I claim to be unique and set my life on my way, I only choose to go along with others who have the same liking...